Olivet School of Media and Communication

Master of Arts in Journalism

The Master of Arts in Journalism program is designed to prepare future media professionals for work as journalists, reporters, writers, editors and broadcasters in the world of 21st-century Christian mission. This program stresses academic rigor, research principles, reporting ethics, journalism inquiry, Christian worldview and professional practice.

M.A. in Journalism students may also choose to complete up to 50% of the entire program at OSMC’s Washington D.C. campus.

Program Goals

In the context of Olivet University’s mission, completion of the Master of Arts in Journalism program will enable students to:

  • Integrate professional skills with a practice of lifelong improvement
  • Implement a viable business model in collaborative entrepreneurial journalism project
  • Evaluate current challenges in the field of news media and communication in light of its history and the cultural environment
  • Advocate professional and biblical values and ethics in the practice of journalism
  • Contribute to innovative developments of communications in Christian mission


Master of Arts in Journalism (67 units)

Students must complete a minimum of 67 quarter hours, including 8 quarter hours of Bible/Theology coursework, 16 quarter hours of M.A. Journalism Core, 20 quarter hours of M.A. Journalism Skills, 12 quarter hours of M.A. Journalism Electives, 7 quarter hours of Media Internship, and 4 quarter hours of Capstone Project.

1. Bible/Theology (8 units)

To foster students’ foundational grasp of biblical facts and principles, alongside the skills for inductive and methodical Scripture study, completion of 8 quarter hours of Bible/Theology coursework is mandatory. Students are given the option to select from one of the following two sets of courses provided by Olivet Theological College and Seminary:

  • BIBL520 Studies in Romans I (4 units) 
  • BIBL521 Studies in Romans II (4 units)


  • MINS624 Teaching the Transforming Word I (4 units)
  • MINS625 Teaching the Transforming Word II (4 unit

2. Journalism Core (16 units)

  • JOUR500 News Writing and Reporting (4)
  • JOUR510 Editing and News Judgment (4)
  • JOUR520 Media Law and Ethics (4)
  • JOUR530 Media and Society (4)

3. Journalism Skills (20 units)

  • JOUR540 Audio and Video Production (4)
  • JOUR560 Photography and Photo Editing (4)
  • JOUR601 Multimedia Journalism (4)
  • JOUR606 Social Media and Audience Development (4)
  • JOUR610 Newsroom Management (4)

4. Journalism Electives (12 units)

*Open: Students may choose to take up to two relevant electives outside OSMC, with approval from the program director.

  • JOUR550 History and Philosophy of Journalism (4)
  • JOUR602 Data Reporting (4)
  • JOUR603 Feature Writing (4)
  • JOUR604 Opinion Writing, Critical Reviewing (4)
  • JOUR605 Interview Techniques (4)
  • JOUR607 Broadcast Journalism (4)
  • JOUR608 Media Sales (4)
  • JOUR609 Advanced Writing and Reporting (4)
  • JOUR611 Media Management (4)
  • JOUR612 SEO (4)

5. Media Internship (7 units)

Journalism majors are required to participate in internship experiences related to the field of media and communication. These opportunities are designed to provide students with practical experience in the real-world working environment while also integrating faith and biblical principles with their professional calling. Students must complete 7 quarter hours of Media Internship.  

  • MCPT501-603 Media Internship I – VII (1 unit each)

6. Capstone Project (4 units)

  • JOUR690 Journalism Capstone (4)

7. General Ministry Skills (0 Unit)

  • Graduate students must register for PRAC021 Graduate Chapel every quarter they are enrolled. To pass chapel, students must achieve a score of at least 70% on their chapel assignments. Graduate students who fail chapel two times or more are ineligible to graduate. Failing chapel may result in disciplinary action by the campus chaplaincy. Potential consequences include a warning, probation, suspension, or dismissal. Please refer to the Chapel Program Handbook for more detailed information.

    Graduate students, except for M.Div. students, are required to pass two quarters of PRAC020 Graduate Christian Service to be eligible for graduation. To pass Christian service, students must achieve a score of at least 70% on their Christian service assignments. Please refer to the Christian Service Program Handbook for more detailed information.